UnionWith Method

Wintellect PowerCollections

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[This topic is pre-release documentation and is subject to change in future releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Computes the union of this set with another set. The union of two sets is all items that appear in either or both of the sets. This set receives the union of the two sets, the other set is unchanged.

Namespace: Wintellect.PowerCollections
Assembly:  PowerCollections (in PowerCollections.dll)


public void UnionWith(
	OrderedSet<T> otherSet
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Sub UnionWith ( _
	otherSet As OrderedSet(Of T) _
Visual C++
void UnionWith (
	OrderedSet<T>^ otherSet


OrderedSet<(Of <T>)>
Set to union with.


If equal items appear in both sets, the union will include an arbitrary choice of one of the two equal items.

The union of two sets is computed in time O(M + N log M), where M is the size of the larger set, and N is the size of the smaller set.


System..::InvalidOperationExceptionThis set and otherSet don't use the same method for comparing items.

See Also